Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Human Heart

A few things have to happen before I hit the road - I have to sell my house, I have to find a home for my cat and my Mother needs to recover from heart surgery.

I wasn't in favor of my 86 year old mother having the double bypass and heart valve replacement surgery. It wasn't that I didn't want her around for a few more years, but I was afraid of the quality of life following the surgery. I hope I'm wrong. She made it thru the operation just fine, her heart is working better than it has for probably 50 years (she had rheumatic fever when she was pregnant with me), all of the nurses and doctors say she is doing fine. I don't think she believes them. After 4 days in the hospital she has been transferred to a transitional care facility. It is a step above a nursing home and the plan is to kick her out in 10 days. She needs to learn to care for herself in those 10 days or she will end up in a nursing home - exactly where she didn't want to be. She has to get out of bed and walk, feed herself, dress herself, bathe herself - but first she has to get out of bed and walk. It is nice to see her family gather to support her - five of her six kids (I'm the youngest), a few of her grandchildren, even some of her great grandchildren have been by to visit. Two of my sisters have been great in caring for her, even before her surgery.

I hope for the best.

As for the cat - I found a great home for him, I just need to transport him to Seattle and hope that he doesn't run away from his new home. He's not really my cat, more like my roommate. I know cb will take good care of him.

There is an "open house" scheduled for Saturday - maybe the house will find a new owner, too.

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