I appreciate your comments, I really do, but please give me a clue about your identity. Initials, nickname, anything.
A big thank you to the anonymous commenter that told my sister about the doctor in Bremerton.
p.s. I am in Vernal, Utah for the night. I'm looking for a place to spend a week, but this isn't it.
p.p.s. I hope there is no snow in Yellowstone.
Steinaker State Park is actually quite nice, maybe couple miles north of town. Not sure about the current weather or if it is even open. Make sure you visit Dinosaur National Monument the visitors center is great. Be careful of the unpaved roads in the area, they become slicker than ice when wet.
See? Good advice and no way to thank you personally!
The best gifts, and information, are those that require no personal thanks.
Are you still in Vernal? My favorite part of Dinosaur isn't the quarry (which was closed for repairs a year ago - is it still?) but the canyon road at the entrance that's back over the state line into Colorado. It's beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Be sure to take the hike at the end of the road!
There is a Harley dealer in Vernal called "Beers HD....", which being in UT is funny all by itself. DAL
The H-D dealership is still Beers. It's a tiny place. I bet it rubs the HOG riders the wrong way that he sells just about every brand - not just H-D.
Scott, we got a text from KT this am saying there was snow on the pass again this morning.... hope it get's itself squared away before you and Tom get there, p
And I did go back and take note of the doctor's name and info. I might have to use it.
Thanks again,
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