Saturday, October 25, 2008

Best laid plans

The planned ride didn't quite go as planned. The advantage of riding on a weekday is that their is far less tourist traffic. The disadvantage of riding on a weekday is that there may be construction - and there was. We stopped at Winkleman to tinkle man and were told that the road to Globe was closed while ADOT blasted rock to widen a stretch of road. We retraced our ride to Superior and went east toward Globe on 60 only to be stopped for some extremely wide loads passing over narrow bridges just before Miami. As we had seen the best part of that road, we turned around only to get stopped for another extremely wide piece of mining gear being moved over another narrow bridge.

The ASARCO Copper Mine was an interesting stop. You know those huge earth movers that you see on the Discovery channel or National Geographic? If you look close you'll see some tiny trucks in the distance. That's them. The observation point has a tire and a bucket off some piece of machinery. Does the picture make my butt look skinny?

It was a nice ride, good company, good weather and a good meal at the West Side Cafe in Kearny.

p.s. The Honda is sold. The first person that rode it, bought it.


Anonymous said...

The answer to the only question is NO.
The good thing about highway construction and being stopped by large pieces of metal being moved is that you have the chance to go back and finish the trip. It's not like you're just visiting and leaving anytime soon.

Scott said...

There are two questions, but I'm sure that you are replying to the question about seeing the huge earthmovers.....

Anonymous said...

Well, actually it was to the............... It is the same answer I provide to my boss when she asks that question. But (not but) as to the first and not the second they are a bit small in comparison to the hole in the ground.

Anonymous said...

I thought your blog's new name would be Home Journey since your looking for a new home but then the word of your new bike would not be included. It seems like a nice bike. How are the soft saddle bags, riding position, etc.. Wish the Futura was as easy to sell as your old Honda. How much did you get? Oh this is Rob if you couldn't tell. I'm home recovering from my first of two hip surgery's. The first guy to actually look at the Futura came by yesterday, took it for a ride and said he really liked it and is definately look for one. Said he's be looking at a Red one today. More later.

Scott said...

The riding position is different than the Honda, the handlebars are different than the Honda... it's just different. Not better or worse.
It;s good to know that my butt is smaller than the huge hole in the ground - thanks!!

Bob said...

Congrats Scott on the sale of your T! I knew it would go fast...she was a beauty. Bob

Anonymous said...

Hello Scott....alepel here. I've missed many of your blogs because my computer at work does not allow me accces anymore to the blog site. And due to some problems my laptop at home had to be serviced and I lost the link. Thanks to NC Tourers posting it put me back onto this blog site and now I'm catching up on whats ben happening.

It appears that this site has changed and I like the look of it. I especially like the way your HD looks. It is really sharp.

So you've moved back south to live out the winter. Good for you. It will certainly give you the oppportunities to ride through the winter months and keep some of us Northerners jealous.

So I've got to catch up on some of your postings to catch up to date.


CiaoBella! said...

Glad you like the Harley. The picture on your header wouldn't print for Mom but the little picture did. Nice bike. Travel safe!