Friday, October 16, 2009

New shades!

I suffered through the heat of May in my motorhome and decided that when I returned to Apache Junction I was going to invest in shades for the outside of all of my windows. They not only cool the coach, they provide some privacy when the curtains are open so I can watch the world go by.

I also got a different seat on the bike with a better passenger seat so I can take some of the ladies in the park for a ride in comfort. While I was working on replacing the seat, I switched over to my "good neighbor" mufflers. The bike just doesn't sound the same. I might as well be riding a BMW.


Paige and Dave said...

Great shades dude!

Stromtrooper said...

Ha ha, and what's so bad about a BMW? It looks like you're settling in well enough, but let me know if you needed anything shipped down there.

Scott said...

Nothing wrong with a BMW Thom (or Rob), but a Harley shouldn't sound like one. Nice pic Thom.

Anonymous said...

Rob said,"I agree, a Harley should have that nice deep thumping sound". However, sound levels should be kept to a non offensive level.

CiaoBella! said...

Really good looking bike, Scott, and nice shades. A must.